Carol and Norman have raised a total of £19036.32 for LWH Charity in memory of their twin boys Elliot and Archie who both sadly passed away in 2021. Since then Carol and Norman have been committed to fundraising for our Honeysuckle, Neonatal and Hewitt Fund, through sponsored walks, gala nights, raffles and pub quizzes.
Neil ran for Liverpool Women’s Hospital Charity in memory of his son Lucas Alexander, who arrived 16 weeks early weighing 1lb 6oz. Sadly Lucas died after 19 days in our Neonatal Unit. Neil ran wearing a t-shirt with other angel baby names on his back to remember all those who were taken too soon.
University Cheerleading society Liverpool Foxes, have been supporting Liverpool Women’s Hospital Charity since Autumn of 2023, by volunteering at our 2023 Strictly Event. In March 2024 we were honoured to be selected as their charity beneficiary for their “Ladies Night” Ball, raising £1,200 for Liverpool Women’s Hospital Charity.